How To Be a Good TV Presenter

How To Be a Good TV Presenter

Best way to become a good tv presenter is a straight forward move. .This all you need to do

Always think carefully about your priorities and what goals or things you want to spend your money on. The investment in yourself and your stage presence should be at the top of your list. In order to be who I am today, I have invested a significant amount of money in my own development over the past years.

How To Be a Good TV Presenter

However, entrepreneurial or financial added-value should only be of secondary importance. Always think about what you can bring into your network as added value. You will see that the result of your efforts will not be long in coming and will come back to you.

Funnily enough, it was at a Spotlight event that I learned that for the 100% of preparation you’ll do you’ll only use 5% of it – but you don’t know which 5% it will be! I research intensively when I’m interviewing now. Learning how to be an instant expert in stuff, whether it’s interviewing someone or it’s the tech news stuff, is vital. I’ll get a call at 10 o’clock at night that these hover boards are exploding or something, and asked, “Can you come in for tomorrow morning’s show and talk about it?” The answer is “Yes, absolutely, I know everything about this subject!” You just have to go with it, and fake it ’til you make it.

Setting your goal is an important step on your path to success. Define your goal, create a vision board, for example, and write “I am a successful host” in capital letters as if you had already achieved it. Always keep your goal in focus and set smaller milestones so that you don’t lose your motivation.

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My strategy for dealing with disappointments is not to ask “Why is this happening to me?” but to ask myself “What can that teach me?” Sharpen your eye for both situations and people. In time you will learn not to set your expectations too high, but to adapt them to reality.

Funnily enough, it was at a Spotlight event that I learned that for the 100% of preparation you’ll do you’ll only use 5% of it – but you don’t know which 5% it will be! I research intensively when I’m interviewing now. Learning how to be an instant expert in stuff, whether it’s interviewing someone or it’s the tech news stuff, is vital.

Get headshots taken so employers know what you look like. Hire a photographer to take well-lit, well-framed photos of you to include with your resume. Dress well for the photos as if you were presenting the type of show you want to work on. Look directly at the camera and smile, but try out different angles and expressions to see what works best for your photos. XResearch source

Be sure that your appearance is promoted. Clips of your appearances can be shown at board meetings, in company reports, as part of your bio. Your company blog and social media. This has become vital in our civilization. The historian William Manchester writes:

Your face and smile should be ready the night before your appearance, but you’re also going to need to make sure that your clothing is ready as well. Don’t leave your outfit decision to the morning of, but instead, plan a day (or even several days) ahead.

I also make sure to take care of my dental health, all year long, but especially leading up to being on TV. Seriously, if there’s one thing I could recommend if you’re on television or not -it’s to SMILE more. Smiling projects confidence. It projects warmth, and positivity. So be BOLD and smile a little more than usual (especially if you’re in front of a camera!)

That being said, the bright lights can often wash out a natural face – so ladies – feel free to put on more self tanner, bronzer, blush, and lip color than you normally might wear. Ideally, you’ll want to open up and bring attention to your eyes, so curl your eyelashes and wear a great dark mascara.

Get to the television station a little on the early side. You NEVER want to be late for a television appearance, especially if it is LIVE. So just put in your calendar that you need to be there 10-15 minutes earlier than you actually do. You’ll be golden.

Relax, don’t stress. If you want the camera to love you, you have to love it right back! If it is your first time on television it is natural to be nervous. To reduce your nervousness before an appearance, rehearse with a friend or relative or, at least, practice talking and smiling before a mirror while answering your questions.

How can you master this skill? Let the story you are trying to tell guide you. Don’t force it, but if there’s a part in your presentation or speech where it makes sense to rattle off a series of words or sentences — perhaps a section in which you need to run through a list of details — try speeding it up. Then, slow it down as you approach your main point.

Use this same strategy. Turn on the video or microphone of your smartphone and record yourself presenting. Play it back. Your goal is to gain awareness around the filler words you use most. Write them down, and practice again. When you catch yourself about to use one, err on silence instead to develop a smoother, polished delivery.

In high school my track coach always told me this saying, “Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.” And after that day he told me that, everything I do I have that mindset too. Which is why having people critique you in mock interviews is so important and improving every time finalizing your perfect interview. Regardless of how cruel or harsh someone’s remarks may be its all for the best and helping you get to that perfect interview. Since it is not practice makes perfect but perfect practice that is perfect.

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You know all those Q&A sessions you have been a part of — well set one up for yourself. Ask yourself the toughest and meanest questions you can think of. Don’t go soft. Don’t let yourself off easy. Be brutal. Be merciless. Grade yourself. Be your own adversary. Shut the door to your office, where no one can hear you and give yourself a drilling on the subject you will present. Then if you do not know the answers to these questions find them!

Create a script and memorize the key points that will help prompt you to the next point. Once you have your script down, stand up and present it like you are standing in front of your audience – walk around, pause, use hand gestures, make eye contact. Being able to comfortably present your material builds up the next quality.

It seems that prepping for live airtime media is a very stressful thing. I believe that practice does not make perfect, but in fact perfect practice can help reach close to perfection. So by practicing these highlighted topics I believe that someone can be very good. I like the “Coach in the Corner” idea because it helps someone relax and just be themselves before airtime. I think a good takeaway is to just practice and learn, learn what you can improve upon to become that much better for the next film take.

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