Requirements To Study Architecture In EKSU

Embarking on a journey toward a degree in architecture at Ekiti State University (EKSU) requires careful navigation through a series of educational checkpoints. Aspiring architects must successfully maneuver through various stages to secure admission to this esteemed institution. In this blog post, we break down the essential steps and requirements for pursuing a degree in architecture at EKSU.

 Foundation: Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE)

The first stepping stone on the path to architectural brilliance is the Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE). Aspiring students must obtain a minimum of five credit passes, including Mathematics, English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and other relevant subjects. Importantly, these credits should be acquired in not more than two sittings, ensuring a solid educational foundation.

Entrance Gate: Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME)

The Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) is the next crucial hurdle. Prospective architecture students must excel in this examination, securing the minimum required score set by EKSU. The subjects for UTME include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any other science or arts subject. Success in this examination opens the door to further possibilities.

JAMB Admission Requirements: Setting the Course

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) plays a pivotal role in determining admission requirements for Nigerian tertiary institutions. Aspiring architects must select the appropriate subjects for UTME, aligning with EKSU’s specifications. EKSU, in turn, establishes its own JAMB cut-off mark for architecture. Candidates must ensure that their UTME score meets or exceeds this mark, demonstrating their readiness for the architectural journey.

EKSU’s Unique Marker: Post-UTME Examination

EKSU introduces another distinctive element in the form of a Post-UTME examination. This step is a crucial part of the university’s admission process for architecture. To participate, candidates must complete the application form and pay the required fee within the specified period. The Post-UTME examination typically includes written tests, assessing candidates’ knowledge in subjects like Mathematics, Physics, and general aptitude. This stage serves as a final test, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals proceed on the architectural odyssey.


aspiring architects eyeing Ekiti State University must embark on a strategic journey, starting with a solid foundation in the SSCE. Success in the UTME, meeting JAMB’s criteria, and conquering the EKSU Post-UTME examination are the subsequent milestones. By diligently following these steps and meeting the specified requirements, individuals can confidently apply for a degree in architecture at EKSU. The path may be challenging, but the destination promises a future shaped by creativity, innovation, and architectural excellence.

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