List Of 12 New Federal Universities In Nigeria

In recent years, Nigeria has witnessed a significant expansion in its higher education landscape, marked by the establishment of 12 new federal universities. These institutions, each with a unique focus, aim to provide diverse educational opportunities and contribute to the country’s development. Let’s take a closer look at these newly minted centers of learning.

Federal University of Agriculture, Ibaji (Kogi State):

Nestled in the heart of Kogi State, the Federal University of Agriculture, Ibaji, is a beacon for agricultural research and development. With a commitment to advancing the agricultural sector, this institution stands as a testament to Nigeria’s dedication to food security and sustainable farming practices.

Federal University of Education, Aguleri (Anambra State):

Anambra State proudly hosts the Federal University of Education, Aguleri, a specialized institution focused on teacher education. Aspiring educators find a nurturing environment here, dedicated to shaping the future of teaching and learning in Nigeria.

Federal University of Technology, Manchok (Kaduna State):

In Kaduna State, the Federal University of Technology, Manchok, takes center stage, emphasizing technology and engineering. This institution plays a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge, fostering innovation, and producing skilled professionals in the technology sector.

Federal University of Technology, Owerri (Imo State):

Imo State is home to the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, a hub for technological advancements and engineering excellence. This institution contributes to Nigeria’s growing reputation as a technological powerhouse, fostering research and innovation.

Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo (Benue State):

Benue State hosts the Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, a center dedicated to the study and advancement of health sciences. This institution plays a vital role in producing qualified healthcare professionals, contributing to the nation’s well-being.

Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (Delta State):

Situated in Delta State, the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, stands as a key player in the nation’s oil and gas sector. This specialized institution focuses on petroleum resources, contributing to the development and sustainability of Nigeria’s energy industry.

Federal University of Technology, Akure (Ondo State):

Ondo State boasts the Federal University of Technology, Akure, a prominent institution in the realm of technology and engineering. Students here engage in cutting-edge research and hands-on learning, preparing them for impactful careers in the tech sector.

Federal University of Technology, Asaba (Delta State):

Delta State is also home to the Federal University of Technology, Asaba, adding to the state’s educational landscape with a focus on technology and engineering. This institution contributes to the state’s and nation’s technological advancement.

Federal University of Environment, Bayelsa (Bayelsa State):

In Bayelsa State, the Federal University of Environment, Bayelsa, takes center stage, addressing the critical need for environmental studies. This institution plays a pivotal role in developing sustainable practices and nurturing environmental stewards.

Federal University of Technology, Yola (Adamawa State):

Adamawa State hosts the Federal University of Technology, Yola, a key player in shaping the technological landscape of the region. This institution focuses on technology and engineering, preparing students to contribute to the nation’s technological growth.

Federal University of Technology, Abeokuta (Ogun State):

Ogun State proudly hosts the Federal University of Technology, Abeokuta, contributing to the state’s reputation as an educational hub. With a focus on technology and engineering, this institution prepares students for impactful careers in various technological fields.

Federal University of Technology, Jalingo (Taraba State):

Taraba State welcomes the Federal University of Technology, Jalingo, into its educational fold. This institution is dedicated to technology and engineering, fostering a culture of innovation and research in the heart of the state.


The establishment of these 12 new federal universities in Nigeria in 2020 marks a significant step towards enhancing higher education opportunities across the country. Each institution’s unique focus contributes to Nigeria’s overall development, addressing specific needs in agriculture, education, technology, health sciences, and environmental studies. As these universities continue to grow and evolve, they hold the promise of shaping a brighter future for Nigeria’s education landscape and its role on the global stage.

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