Crawford University Dress Code, And School Fees

In the realm of academia, the pursuit of knowledge is often accompanied by an environment that values discipline, professionalism, and respect. Crawford University, nestled in the heart of academic excellence, not only prioritizes quality education but also emphasizes the importance of a conducive and respectful atmosphere through its strict dress code.

Dress Code: Fostering Professionalism and Respect

At Crawford University, students are ambassadors of a culture that celebrates cleanliness, modesty, and appropriateness in attire. The dress code is more than a set of rules; it is a commitment to creating a professional and respectful campus environment. The university places a strong emphasis on the following guidelines:

  1. Avoiding Revealing or Tight Clothes: The university encourages students to choose clothing that maintains a modest and respectful appearance.
  2. Discouraging Offensive or Discriminatory Attire: Clothing that may be deemed offensive or discriminatory is not permitted on campus, fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.
  3. Prohibiting Clothing Associated with Gangs or Illegal Activities: To ensure the safety and security of all students, attire associated with gangs or illegal activities is strictly forbidden.

Students are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and those who do not comply may be asked to change their clothing or face disciplinary action.

School Fees: Accessible Education for All

Crawford University not only prioritizes the atmosphere on campus but also recognizes the importance of accessible education. The tuition fees for the 2023/2024 academic year are as follows:

  • Undergraduate Programs: N350,000 per year
  • Postgraduate Programs: N450,000 per year

Additionally, students are responsible for accommodation, meals, and other miscellaneous expenses. The estimated costs for these are as follows:

  • Accommodation: N150,000 per year
  • Meals: N100,000 per year
  • Other Expenses: N50,000 per year

By providing transparency in fee structures, Crawford University aims to empower students to plan their educational journey effectively. The total estimated cost for attending Crawford University for one year is N650,000, reflecting the institution’s commitment to offering quality education at a reasonable cost.


Crawford University stands as a beacon of academic excellence, where a commitment to professionalism, respect, and accessible education converge. The dress code serves as a testament to the university’s dedication to creating a conducive learning environment, while the reasonable tuition fees underscore its mission to make education attainable for all aspiring minds.

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