Casey Coates Biography, Age ,Net Worth, Wiki, Real Name, Children, Instagram, Parents, partner

Meet Casey Coates, a trailblazing figure in the realm of environmental design and activism. Born in 1938 as Cassandra Coates Danson, she has left an indelible mark on the world through her passion for sustainability and creative endeavors. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating life and career of Casey Coates, shedding light on her achievements, personal life, and the impact she’s had on the environmental movement.

Casey Coates Early Life & Education:

Casey Coates was born and raised in the picturesque Long Island, New York, surrounded by the rich tapestry of her father’s musical talents and her mother’s artistic abilities. From a young age, she exhibited a flair for creativity, transforming her bedroom and showcasing her artistic talents through painting on bare wood.

Her educational journey led her to Great Neck High School before pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in environmental design at Parsons School of Design. Casey’s quest for new experiences took her to London for a year, but her deep connection to her roots brought her back to New York. In 1975, she graduated with honors, setting the stage for her impactful career in environmental design.

Casey Coates Career & Activism:

As a mother deeply committed to environmental stewardship, Casey Coates founded the nonprofit organization Global Possibilities. Her advocacy for solar and renewable energy has made her a national figure in promoting sustainable energy sources. Notably, her designs of solar-powered homes are featured prominently in the pages of Angels Unawares.

Casey’s dedication extends beyond design, as she actively addresses homelessness in the country. Her photography book, Angels Unawares, the culmination of a 12-year project, sheds light on this critical issue. Serving on the boards of esteemed institutions such as Parsons School of Design, the Southern California Institute of Architecture, and the Environmental Media Association, Casey has played a pivotal role in advancing environmental initiatives.

Casey Coates Personal Life:

In 1977, Casey Coates tied the knot with the renowned actor and environmentalist Ted Danson. Their union welcomed two daughters, Alexis Danson and Kate Danson. Despite facing challenges in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Dansons dissolved their marriage due to adultery, with Ted’s involvement with actress Whoopi Goldberg being a contributing factor.

Casey’s daughter, Kate Danson, has pursued a diverse career as a doula, actress, and photographer, while Alexis Danson prefers to maintain anonymity. Before Casey, Ted Danson was previously married to actress Randy Danson. Currently, Ted is married to Mary Steenburgen, also an actress.

Casey Coates Net Worth:

Casey Coates’ dedication and hard work have resulted in a remarkable net worth of approximately $20 million. This financial success reflects her exceptional skills and the impact she has made in the fields of environmental design and activism.

Follow Casey Coates on Instagram (@caseycoatesdanson) to stay updated on her latest endeavors and contributions to a sustainable future.


Q: What is Casey Coates known for?

A: Casey Coates is renowned for her work as an environmental designer and activist, with a focus on promoting sustainable energy sources and addressing homelessness.

Q: What is the net worth of Casey Coates?

A: Casey Coates has an estimated net worth of approximately $20 million, a testament to her dedication and success in her career.

Q: What is Casey Coates’ nonprofit organization?

A: Casey Coates founded the nonprofit organization Global Possibilities, dedicated to advocating for solar and renewable energy.

Q: How long was Casey Coates married to Ted Danson?

A: Casey Coates and Ted Danson were married from 1977 to 1993, facing challenges in the late 1980s and early 1990s that led to the dissolution of their marriage.


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