A Kano-based teenage boy created a human-controlled robot and Nigerians are in awe of his talent.
The talented boy has been applauded online after building a moving robot with local materials and wiring it to be human-controlled.
In a video shared by Daily Trust that has gone viral, the young boy is seen demonstrating how the robot mimics his gestures while being controlled.
Nigerians rained praises on the boy for his creativity and talent, while others called on the federal government to support him and give him the encouragement he needs to excel.
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Nigerians had a lot to say about the boy’s ingenuity and the country in general. Some of the reactions we could document were:
@lasgidi_nims said: “Give him more resources, and you will see the transformation he will bring to the society and street of Kano.”
@jennyagrees commented: “This is what we need to see! He will be located and exported ASAP to where he will grow and thrive, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
@u.b.a_official wrote: “Talents everywhere but in the wrong country.”
@zeechy._ said: “Dem go soon come carry am comot, Tis I pray thee.”
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