2024/2025 JAMB Mathematics Syllabus & Recommended Textbooks

Preparing for the 2024/2025 JAMB CBT Examination? Here’s all you need to know about the Mathematics syllabus and recommended textbooks to ace your exams. We’ve broken down the essential information in simple terms for easy understanding.

Understanding the JAMB Mathematics Syllabus:

The JAMB Mathematics exam aims to test your grasp of both basic and complex mathematical concepts. To help you prepare, here’s a breakdown of the 2024/2025 JAMB Mathematics Syllabus:

  1. Number bases
  2. Fractions, Decimals, Approximations, and Percentages
  3. Indices, Logarithms, and Surds
  4. Sets
  5. Polynomials
  6. Variation
  7. Inequalities
  8. Progression
  9. Binary Operations
  10. Matrices and Determinants
  11. Euclidean Geometry
  12. Mensuration
  13. Loci
  14. Coordinate Geometry
  15. Trigonometry
  16. Differentiation
  17. Application of Differentiation
  18. Integration
  19. Representation of Data
  20. Measures of Location
  21. Measures of Dispersion
  22. Permutation and Combination
  23. Probability

To download the complete JAMB 2024 Mathematics Syllabus in PDF, click here.

Recommended Textbooks:

To thoroughly prepare for the exams, consider using the following textbooks, which extensively cover the topics mentioned in the JAMB Mathematics Syllabus:

  1. Adelodun A. A (2000): “Distinction in Mathematics: Comprehensive Revision Text, (3rd Edition)” – Ado-Ekiti: FNPL.
  2. Anyebe, J. A. B (1998): “Basic Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools and Remedial Students in Higher/Institutions” – Lagos: Kenny Moore.
  3. Channon, J. B. Smith, A. M (2001): “New General Mathematics for West Africa SSS 1 to 3” – Lagos: Longman.
  4. David-Osuagwu, M. et al (2000): “New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools” – Onitsha: Africana – FIRST Publishers.
  5. Egbe. E et al (2000): “Further Mathematics” – Onitsha: Africana – FIRST Publishers.
  6. Ibude, S. O. et al (2003): “Algebra and Calculus for Schools and Colleges” – LINCEL Publishers.
  7. Tuttuh-Adegum M. R. et al (1997): “Further Mathematics Project Books 1 to 3” – Ibadan: NPS Educational Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB


Q1: How can I download the JAMB 2024 Mathematics Syllabus in PDF? A1: Click here to download the complete PDF file.

Q2: Where can I find the recommended textbooks for the JAMB Mathematics Examination? A2: The recommended textbooks are listed above; make sure to check them out for comprehensive preparation.

Q3: What topics are covered in the JAMB Mathematics Syllabus? A3: The syllabus covers various topics such as number bases, fractions, geometry, trigonometry, and more. Refer to the syllabus above for the complete list.

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